Often times once someone starts drinking and becoming intoxicated they will do things they might not do other wise. Actually they might start confessing to things they have done. So why not start drinking before you pick up that phone. Little intoxication phone sex call could lead to all sorts of interesting fun.
Just ask my last caller who was telling me how he was out drinking and becoming intoxicated with a few buddies and well one thing lead to another and he was doing a little google search for a sexy phone sex tranny. It started out with him wanting to suck my cock but really the alcohol and what not cursing through his veins had his mouth working in over drive and not in a suck a cock type manner. His gums were flapping about how he had actually been sucking special girlie cocks like mine before and would be again if given the chance.
Suppose if he wasnt traipsing through a small town with little to no transsexuals available for some after bar fun he wouldnt be doing an intoxication phone sex confession call. I am not complaining one bit for I do enjoy hearing ones confessions about the first cock they had slip through their lips. The sudden excitement they got of after that first drop semen hits their tongue is all they are thinking about now.
The alcohol only brings it out. Those feelings for cock sucking you thought you had buried deep. The feelings you had wanted to forget. The alcohol brings it all back. I dont mind reminding you to have a little drink. To have a sip during that intoxication phone sex call. For each sip will only make you hunger for my shemale cock.
So grab you favorite intoxication device and your phone for I am ready for the fun that can come of it.