Not your typical kinky girl but then again I might be if your into the sort of girl who is all about sitting back toking up and enjoying some odd ball impregnation phone sex fantasies. The bonus to phone sex is you can create that sweet abyss where our imagination can run free and there is no one judging our thoughts.
In fact, I had sat down to just say hey I am a free spirited 420 loving girl lets enjoy some intoxication fantasies together but thanks the bowl I smoked before sitting down with my lap top. My mind suddenly open to the idea of something else. The idea of impregnation phone sex scenarios started to swirl in my lucid mind.
Though not with the typical I stopped taking my birth control and let you fuck me bare back but lets dive into the sci-fi realm of things where we explore you being an alien that takes on human form that has come to earth to seek a viable human female with the perfect DNA in which to breed with.
Perhaps another puff is required to sort out exactly why your alien form is here to breed with humans but I think we can work those details out together. All I know is my mind is taking this impregnation phone sex fantasy to one where your cock appears normal but once your aroused and it starts to “harden” it transforms into a tentacle.
Now I know if I let my mind wander some more I will come up with even more wicked details for I do love a good sci fi role play. There is something so amazing about letting yourself go and developing a role play around the what ifs. Constantly allowing the fantasy to be altered and adjusted to fit your feelings in the moment.
If you like me and ready to explore some alternative reality then please give me a call. Just ask for Indica when you call the number below. You can usually find me on in the evenings.