Fellow Phone Sex Deviants Hello. Something about walking into a public washroom. The hum of a florescent light. Water dripping from a broken tap. Toilet paper shredded all over the dirty tiled floor. While sitting on the cool porcelain toilet. I can’t help but think of some forced sex phone sex.
Listening to someone walking into the dirty bathroom had my deviant mind running to something rather extreme. The squeaking of the soles of the shoes on the tile floor had me waiting thinking of the metal door being kicked open. A man with a mask standing there only to pull me off that toilet mid pee. Being shoved to my knees on the piss stained floor. His hard cock in front of my face. His fingers twisting in my hair and forcing me to suck his cock. A firm hand slapping my cheek when I dont open my mouth fast enough. The taste of blood as his slap has me cutting my lip on my teeth. Before I can think he is face fucking my bloody mouth.
Not sure what it is about a forced sex fantasy that gets my shaved pussy so wet but it always does. Something about the more my heart races the wetter my pussy gets knowing I am about to be in the middle of an intense forced sex phone sex fantasy.