Lets get something straight I am a hard core phone sex bitch!
Sure you are probably use to those girls who are all giggly and cute who will tell you how they will fantasies about this or that but I am the girl who is out there doing it. Let them bubble gum girls curl up with their boyfriends and give them a blow job. I am the one that is telling you go ahead and fuck me in the ass.
Have no condoms?
Even better. My waxed pussy gets off on knowing your unprotected cock will be ramming my tight asshole. Oh I dont think anal sex is extreme that is just for starters cause once we get that pre cum just oozing from your dick after a few pumps in my butt then I want you to pull that cock out and rub it over my face. Thats right I want you to smear my ass juices over my face. Let me smell where your dick has been.
Want to call me names?
Want to humiliate me?
I am all for it. The more you degrade me the more excited I am to take that shitty dick into my mouth and clean it all up. Like I said lets get absolutely fucking sick, twisted and nasty in this phone sex fantasy.
Just tell the dispatcher you want to talk to Janelle.
Should warn you I have no limits bring on the force sex fantasies and snuff and what ever else you can think of really.