Well you found me and my dirty little secret. That once those assignments are marked I am indulging in some phone fun. You cant really blame me really for I can tell you guys are all thinking it as you daydream during class. Wanting to be seduced by your naughty teacher. Good news you can be now be seduced by one during a student/teacher phone sex fantasy.
Course I dont know where your kinky mind goes for your teacher/ student fantasy so I will just have to share mine. One in which I have graded your test and well happen to see some interesting notes on the back of one of pages. Some stick figures in some very odd poses, not so odd but explicitly posed. Then flip the page see a diagram of a hard cock and lips. I just cant have such images on the back of any papers being handed in.
The next day after class, I ask you to stay so we can chat a bit about what I found. I can see you twisting back and forth on your feet you know why I have asked you to stay before I even say anything. The paper on the desk staring at you sort of gives it away. You instantly blush as you see my long red nail run over the image of the hard cock. Your hands rushing down to hide your hardening erection.
Need to talk to you about your artistic skills? Thumbing between the pages. The stick figures near fucking before you.
Do you always do these doodles in class?
You know you should be paying attention?
When your daydreaming are you having sexual fantasies?
Who exactly are you fantasizing about?
I reach forward and grab your notebook that is hiding your erection. Sure you jump back but there is no need to I am a mature woman I have seen quite a few hard cocks and really I know what to do with them. Perhaps its time this teacher offers up a little sex ed to you.
How about we finish my student/ teacher phone sex fantasy on the phone that way we can ramp up the taboo topics.
simply call and ask for them by name