I maybe the one you call for granny phone sex but over the weekend I was proving to my grandsons that this old woman has a few moves still left in her. They had stopped by my place for a quick visit before doing some club hopping. They thought they were going to break into granny’s liquor cabinet and do some damage before going out picking up girls. So I had to laugh cause I knew exactly what they had up their sleeve when they said they were coming by right around when I have my evening cocktails. Yes some days its cock and other days its a gin and tonic thank you very much. So there I was sitting out on the patio with my summer dress on and my big summer hat with my gin and tonic. They always seem to go down so good on a summer evening. This group of boys come crashing into my home and with out so much of a hello and they are into my liquor cabinet. Now being the quick witted granny I am I had moved my stash to the bedroom. I raised quite a few kids and they taught me well.
Those boys were quick to come out and say hi to their gran when their was nothing to drink. So as we sat and got in a quick little visit. I then went to offer then a drink, one I made myself they were going to drink all my best gin. I come back to the patio and one of the boys is playing some crazy music. Now I can’t tell you the song or who sings it. I am not that up on music but I can tell you what I like to shake my ass too. The music he had coming out of his phone was music that I can move my stuff too. So after dropping their drinks on the table I moved to the grass and started dancing. Showing off my sexy moves. Telling them that I would steal all the attention if they took me to the club.
One of the boys was eying me up pretty good. This granny still has it on and off the phone, I tell you. Now I know your wondering did those crazy grandsons of mine take me to the club. Well I suppose that would make for a start of a very good conversation between the two of us now wouldnt it?
Betty is the kinkiest phone sex granny around.