Castration Phone Sex Domina

castration phone sex

To men out there is should come as no surprise that I adore castration phone sex fantasies, its really the next best thing to doing it. No I have not done it really thats rather frown upon on so many levels plus I have yet to find someone who is willing to spread his legs to say, “Mistress please remove my worthless testicles.”

Yet you fucks are always willing to think about what its like to drop your pants before a powerful, strong woman like Myself. To have Me emasculate you. For there is no other form of humiliation such as taking away your manhood. Some reason that wrinkly sack of skin gives you the impression that you are a man. Which is such a lie but what ever. I will not argue if you feel that shriveled up nut sack is your source of masculinity then by all means. Let Me remove it.

I will take great pleasure in removing those things.

To tie you up in such away so that your legs are firmly spread open.

To know your unable to move. EXCITING!

That each and every binding that is added to your body only means you are unable to wiggle.


For I like my cuts to be clean and priciest.

Yes I wil cut you.

I will slice those balls wide open.

Think your prepared to become a worthless “man” Yes I put that in quotations for you are no longer one. You are really nothing in My books not that you ever were. Now this proves it.

Yes its time. Time to be castrated be an Extreme Domina.

What are you waiting for? The answer is nothing.

Castration phone sex begins with your balls.

Domina Shiva

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