Always interesting what men will confess during a religious blasphemous phone sex call. It was just the other night when I was talking to John and he spent the day going to a few services. I know that sounds rather odd and at first I thought my goodness he is a deeply religious man.
So as we were just talking about the services he had attended. I found out that he actually went to a number of different churches for he doesnt want anyone congregation to get the wrong idea about him. Now he was being very bashful and fumbling for his words. Which I knew there was something he was hiding. Not sure what it was but I knew I had to find out what it was.
Little poking and prodding on my part.
Found out that John gets aroused in churches. He couldnt put his fingers on why but there was just something about being in the church on a Sunday during a sermon that got his cock raging hard in his pants. Between the women dressed in their Sunday best and the feel of those wooden pews under his ass. Its a intense combination for him.
Where he lives he lucks out and is able to jump from service to service and basically tease his cock all day long. Often times between services he will take a moment or two while sitting in a church parking lot to call a sexy phone vixen like myself and have us tease and humiliate him. All while the parishioners are walking by his car on the way to the church. Mind you John never does confess to us where he is or what truly gets him arouse.
Today was the day where he was feeling he needed to let someone know about his perverted religious confession. Must say I was rather happy that he called me. Seems I reminded him of one of the women that was sitting near him. And rather wondered what it would be like to not just sit near her but to lean over and say “My dick is hard want to see?”
Well being that we were enacting that moment of course I was appalled that he would even say something so horrific to me. Started beating his cock with my bible. Such a heathen. Mind you the more I beat him it wasnt too long before he was moaning. Not one of those ashamed moans but a sexually excited moan. That is when I started to call him even more names. You can imagine the result that ended up with. A huge mess in his pants.
Must say didnt really expect the religious blasphemous phone sex to go that way. I am not complaining in the slightest for it was exciting and interesting. One I would definitely look forward to doing again.