I am Savannah but some of you may know me as my other self, the on that is often kept hidden till the right moment. What would that other part of me be? The sexy phone sex succubus self of course.
Constantly in search of men’s souls to take at just the perfect moment.
What makes the perfect moment for this phone sex succubus? None other than the height of sexual arousal. You know the moment I am talking about. When you have the goose bumps along your body. Those raised hairs are the sign your soul is just under your skin. That is what I want.
Those shivers of sexual intensity.
Now being just inches from me can cause you to get those goose bumps. For how can you not be sexually aroused being around such an attractive phone sex succubus. You simply can’t. Everything I do and say is to bring on that aroused state. The dresses that show off my curves that lets just face it have your cock just raising up in your pants.
Mind you the moment you start looking into my eyes is when the true weakness starts. For my green-hazel eyes will have you loosing all sense of where you are. Your thoughts will think of nothing but me, your sexy sensual demon. Course you dont know me as this. To you all I am is a sexy red head that is tempting you with my body. My eyes draw you in. The room just disappears. Your mind is falling into the mind fuck that is me.
Let yourself go. For there is no escaping what is going.
I am luring you in.
Transforming your very thoughts.
You think you are having sex dreams of me but really I am planting those thoughts in your mind. There is just something far more interesting about teasing you into an intense state of arousal.
Your soul is far more appetizing.
Far more satisfying.
How long I tease you with those thoughts is really up to me. For some times I just cant help myself and I need to feed my appetite right now. Which is why I need to feed often so that I can play with my prey.
Come satisfy your phone sex succubus, Savannah.