Something about fall that puts me in a mood. Some would say its the changing of the leaves. The smell of the fireplaces clinging to the foggy nights. Honestly, its none of these things. More its the decay that rises up from the gutters with all the fall leaves. The stench of death.
This is far from me being all macabre for those that know me know I am a dark spirit by nature. Lets just call it one of my naturally endearing qualities. Anyways what has me reflecting in such a manor?
Very simple with the onslaught of Halloween decorations within the stores it has me craving a castration phone sex fantasy. There were some delightful candle holders I discovered within some trinket store that had me thinking someones useless man dangles would be awesome in them. The jars were various colors and sizes which meant that I could be quite busy with my sharp blade.
Yes I know most are finding the idea of being castrated disgusting but good news I am not interested in chatting with you. I am only interested in attracting men who know they are useless fucks and would be of better use to society as a eunuch.
So if you are a man who is craving to have a powerful woman remove your nuts via a castration phone sex fantasy then you really need to give me a call. For I am in the need to butcher your nut sac. I would say I would be gentle but we both know this isnt something to do easily.
Ask for Mistress Shiva the Goddess of Castration.