Uh oh! I was a super naughty phone sex barely legal teen over the weekend. Actually you didnt see me around cause I was in that much trouble. Nooooo not in jail trouble now that would be super bad and not sure how I would explain that one.
Its more I was babysitting and the husband and wife are like swingers. Well ok not like but they are. So how do I know this cause I found their kinky stuff in their closet. Dont ask why I was looking. Ok ask. I was bored. They are like super boring people they dont even have Netflix!!!!
So went snooping to see if they had any thing fun cause I am not even allowed the wifi password. I wouldnt take that babysitting job but the hubby is super hot. I like when he drives me home and I kind of hope he would pull over an fuck me. Oh wait thats a side track.
Why am I a naughty phone sex barely legal teen again? Umm cause I found all their sex toys in this trunk they had buried in the back of their closet. Dildos, vibrators and strap on toys too! I know I should of just closed it and pretended not to know it existed but I got super horny like when I talk to you guys.
So I grabbed one of the vibrators and well a picture of the hubby and well started to you know. Play. On their bed. Yes I know super naughty of me but he is really hot. I had my face buried in his pillow. O.M.G he smells so good.
Just as I was moaning his name and orgasming they walked in the bedroom and umm sort of busted me. Oops.
I figured I would be in tons of shit and like I was cause they were very disappointed in me but they both just smiled and told me to keep going. That one orgasm wasnt enough.
Not sure if I should tell you the rest cause its kind of embarrassing and my pussy is still really tender from all the orgasms they made me have. Even my bum is red. Ohh I have said way too much.
Kay maybe I havent said enough but call me and I will share even more!!!!! Dani the naughty phone sex barely legal teen.