When I was a kid my friends and I watched Beauty and the Beast for hours on end. My friends would always be so delighted when the beast transformed into the handsome prince. I some how felt he lost his substance. Course as a young kid I couldnt figure out what it was that the beast missed. Now that I am older I can say he was far hotter as the beast.
That shaggy mane. The way he snorted when he talked. Hmmm just thinking about it now gets me rather excited. Can only imagine what it would be like to watch an adult triple x version of that movie. Where you see Belle off fucking Beast in some hot and intense animalistic sex scene. Her soft body being pinned down by this animal ravenous for her body. That he was able to smell her pussy for miles before he even got home to know that she was aroused if not fertile all day long.
OMG that would take things to a new level impregnation with the beast fantasy. No hiding it for his strong nose would be able to tell plus that raging dog cock in his pants would be pointing to the sky the minute he got near that ripe pussy.
Ok so my mind is filling with all sorts of animal phone sex role play fantasies now. Well mostly I really wanna role play being your Belle and you are my beast. To unleash that raw passion and fuck like animals.
That does leave me pondering what kind of animal would you be as a beast?
Like that really matters but either way I am up for some animal phone sex fun. You penetrating me deep so that I can have your litter of pups. Did I take it too far? Oh who am I kidding that wasnt nearly as far as we will take it on the phone!
Just ask for Raine.