Sure every phone girl says they enjoy talking about unusual fetishes but I really do find off the wall fetishes that have men stroking ever so fascinating. Men’s sexuality as a whole fascinates me. Thankfully Kevin exposed a rather unique and different taboo fetish to me late last night.
As voices go he struck me as someone rather shy with such a timid voice. Some men do have that when they talk to me for they are sharing the most intimate of things about themself. Sure a phone separates us but still you can almost sense the reddening of the face the moment you ask what it was that made them call.
Kevin was exactly that, for he fumbled for the words. Unsure of how to proceed. As my mother always told me best to just open your mouth and let the words come out.
Once his mouth found the words I realized why he had such a hard time sharing his fetish for his was rather unique in that he loved and adored farts. Cant say I ran into many men with a fart fetish This did open up such an interesting conversation on what it was that he enjoyed about farts.
Seems it was one of those things that went back to childhood for him and his older sister would tackle and wrestle him and sit on his face when she needed to fart. It was a game between them. If he was laying down she would plop her ass upon his head and let one rip. Before too long this became a sexual fantasy for him one that he masturbated too. He did have a hard time telling girlfriends about his fart fetish and that lead him to phone sex for it was far easier to tell a stranger over the phone.
Suppose it was fate that had him landing there with me for the night we talked I was rather gassy. So it was a welcome relief to be able to just allow my butt to release that toxic fume and know that Kevin was stroking his cock to each ass explosion. It was in that moment you only wish there were smellaphones for he would of had such an aromatic treat.
Definitely look forward to another fart phone sex call with Kevin!
Just ask for Raine when you call the number below