I am the teen phone sex girl that knows every horny old man is looking over at me when I bend over in my skirt. Lets face it your all wondering if I am going to be bending over enough for you to be seeing my cotton panties. Ya I am a total panty teaser too cause I love bending over just a little bit then standing up again. See I may look like an innocent blonde teen phone sex girl but really I have been playing this teasing game for years and years. Even since I knew old men loved teen girl’s panties.
I bet I could shock you with where I learned this panty teasing skirt game. But then again if your looking for a taboo phone sex teen you might not be that surprised really. For that is what you were looking for right to know there was some cute blonde phone girl who could handle your need to be teased with some cotton panties. Maybe even humiliate you?
Oh ya I have a sweet giggle. Which only makes you want to humiliate yourself even more.
Back to me bending over and what your thinking about as I flash you with my cotton panties. Cause I am super ready to play.