How are you making out on that New Years resolution? Has it been easy to give up the transsexual porn sites or you still finding yourself taking a bit of a glance at them.
Those little side ads sure can be distracting cant they?
Be that is how you ended up here right? That struggle to avoid a sexy phone sex tranny like myself and find some hot woman to talk about. Perhaps have her be the one to force you to suck a cock.
Dont worry this can be our little secret. You sucking my cock. After all from the waist up I do look like a woman. So we can pretend that cock in your mouth is a strap on. A thick, throbbing, aching, cum filled one but hey minor detail right?
No need to focus on the fact that its a sexy phone sex tranny that is skull fucking you.
But trust me you will know there is a slight difference between a dominant woman fucking your mouth with a strap on and taking my gorgeous shemale cock. I can handle my equipment far better than they can. I have the moves of my hips down just right.
So you can run what ever mental mantra you need to in your head but there will be no mistaking it. You are being fucking by one beautiful phone sex tranny. I am marking your mouth as my property with every drop of precum out the end of that swollen cock.
Now ready to give up on that resolution and become my dirty nasty cock sucking whore?
I think you are!
Just ask for Whisper when you call the number below. I cant wait to claim your mouth and perhaps your slutty ass too.