Gearing up for finals they are coming super fast and one of my profs wanted a paper on our favorite jobs we have had. Kind of weird but ok. Feel like I am back in high school and writing one of those papers on what we did over the summer break. Not quite sure what this has to do with psych class but whatever. My problem is do I turn in a paper about being an anything goes phone sex teen?
Cause really this is my favorite job ever.
Not that I have had a whole bunch of jobs other than working at the barn to earn money for riding which was fun. But could you imagine him reading it “My life as an anything goes phone sex teen tease”.
Considering all the taboo stuff you guys call to talk about it would be a juicy paper. Have his old professor dick hard in no time.
Ewwww Wait a min I don’t think I wanna get that one back with all the sticky cum stains on it. Yuck!
Wonder what would have him stroking the hardest though the extreme taboo fantasies or the ones where I have you guys prancing around in panties begging for a strap on? I will probably write about working around the barn taking care of the horses its the safest job and I did love attending to the horses. Beats telling him about helping out with Sunday school.
Ok I am off to work on this assignment. But ya know I would love the distraction!!!!!! Especially with some anything goes phone sex fantasies.
Ask for Whitney