Your just like everyone else having a look at me. Staring. Wondering what I would look like naked. Oh perhaps you didnt think I noticed that part of you looking. But I do for I notice when a man is interested in sucking my cock its a certain gift this tranny girl possess. Its an even better gift when your a phone sex tranny.
See men like you I start to just sense when your near me. Perhaps its from all the time on the phone I have developed my six sense to feel out those closed cock suckers who wish they had the time to visit a glory hole for a little cum tasting.
Or maybe its simply you havent figured out where all the sexy girls like me go yet. For your not quite at the point in your life where you will suck cock with out the sense its a strap on.
Yes know your type all to well for you whisper between gulps of my amazing 7.5″ shaft how it feels so different sucking a tranny girl’s cock vs your girlfriend’s strapped on dick. That feeling that pulsating dick banging your tonsils gets you so incredibly horny.
Well course it will!
Course I know you cant rush out there to find a special girl like me with someone wonderful between her legs on your lunch break. For yes being a closet bisexual is difficult but what is easy is calling me for some fun. This way no one has to know about your hidden little secret. You get to chat with on hot phone sex tranny girl and share the desire to eat some cum then head back to work good to go.
Name is Dru and you can reach me at the number below. Oh and if by chance I am off getting my dick sucked there are a number of sexy T-Girls to help you out.