Now if your like this sexy phone MILF still abiding by social distancing or perhaps your in a place that hasnt quiet lessened the restrictions on things yet. Your left will rediscovering things around your home. Before you start yawning no this isnt about finding 20 things around the house to use in a sexual way. God that ones one boring blog nothing surprising in there at all.
Instead this is about visually realizing what is around y our home like the sexy hot milf next door. Who happens to be feeling the exact same effects are you. She is missing the touch of her younger lover and left to satisfy or attempt to satisfy her sexual urges with her husband at home.
That MILF would be me of course.
See we are all having to rework our usual routines. Normally I would be indulging in the young man down the street as he returns home from college. However my pussy is getting zero college cock this summer as he opted to rent a place with friends and enjoy the summer in his college town.
So what is a sexy phone MILF to do?
Well she too starts looking at ways to satisfy or spice up her sexual needs minus the actual touch of things. So that leaves me with a little voyeur action so I would love it if your window happened to look upon my backyard or better yet my bedroom.
Now I have thought of a few different ways that would quench my desire and the one that sort of gets my pussy wet the most would be to leave those curtains opened just enough for you to catch me riding my husbands cock. We lock eyes and you are drawn into our bedroom romp via my eyes and moans considering the window is open. Watching and realizing your cock is getting hard and wishing it was me stroking it instead of your hand.
Getting lost watching my big breasts bouncing up and down. Knowing my extra excitement over riding my husbands cock is cause I wish it was you I was fucking.
You can see where this is going right?
No need to let the distance get us down for it only opens up some new fantasies to explore ones that leave us beyond excited and cumming so very hard. If we can work it so your younger than myself then it will make me super happy.
What can I say I have a thing for younger men.
Just ask for Porscha when you call the number below.