My walk in the woods was most magical today. They usually are but today felt different probably cause of the date for I know that others like me who draw upon the power of the magical herbs to center myself were also partaking around the same time as myself. Which lead me to think of how many others would be indulging in some intoxication phone sex calls.
I call them intoxication but really we both know its far more than that. Its exploring things in a wonderful state where our minds are open. To surrender to all things magical and mythical. Now course I know everyone indulges in things other than that magical herb far be it for me to judge that. You do what makes you feel free.
Just know for myself that 4-20 for me is all about my name sake and indulging in a bit of the whacky tabacky as my grandpa use to say. Course when I say that to any of my friends now they look at me like I am talking greek.
Do ponder if they know what greek means in the sex world. For I am sure some of them partake in that. Let me know if you know that term!
Anyways back to whats important you and me exploring our sexual fantasies through some intoxication phone sex fun. Puffing our way into a sweet relaxed state where our whole body is filled with sensual delight and ready to explore and and all erotic fun no matter how taboo it maybe.
Course you know me the more perverted it is the more I am gonna love it. Like the sci fi freaky shit. Gawd does that make me wet.
The number is below my name is Indica and today is the most perfect day to reach out and call me.