Are you a panty sniffer? Well this wonderful confession might just get your cock springing up with excitement. Well it totally will if your anything like my panty sniffer phone sex caller I had yesterday.
See it started out all innocent like discussing favorite types of panties I enjoy wearing and then the conversation dipped into that taboo things you never really want to say YES I do that cause people would look at you weird. However, when your a phone sex tease you guys live for those odd admissions. Like how long I have been wearing my current panties.
See most will be quick to say nope I change my panties daily if not twice a day in the summer. Or hell some girls dont even wear panties which is cool too. But for some guys they want their girls in some panties and not talking g-string style either but a nice cotton bikini type panty. Something you sort of forget your wearing. Now add in that your just chilling around the house then those panties might not get changed as often as you expect.
Yup I know anyone with a panty sniffing fetish is just nodding their head going yup thats it girl. Tell us what we need to hear. Our cocks are twitching just say it now!
Ya there are days where my panties are not changed daily and well truth be told it might not even be an every other day thing either. Current panties its 3 or 4 days. Yes I am literally debating when it was the last time I changed my panties. Shocked I am sure.
What started this well it was the panty sniffer phone sex call but then I realized that I changed my clothes to run out and it was one of those quick go to the store thing for a few ingredients for a recipe. When I got home I went umm did I change my panties or just toss on a pair of shorts cause I was in my tee n panties already.
I never did change my panties and well it got me pondering when did I and well ended up here instead of changing them. To see how many panty sniffers I could excite over the knowledge I had on dirty well worn panties on.
So did I excite you?
How about give me a call and let me totally tease you with sexy tales of what I would do with these dirty panties.
Just ask for Arianna