All dressed up and ready for a strapon phone sex fantasy?
Well my name is Savannah and I have my plastic cock right here beside me just waiting for that perfect sissy boy ass to violate. I know you went to all that wonderful effort to get ready and here I am just like a guy only wanting to put my dick in you.
Dont worry I do appreciate all the time it took you to get ready for me.
The extra attention you put into your makeup.
How you flipped through your outfits so you could find the right one that didnt scream anal slut. Even thought I know you been wanting a dick in your ass all day long been fantasizing about getting fucked for days. How your ass been puckering the whole time you sat there getting ready.
Oh and those panties you picked just perfect. I will make sure to rub my hands over them extra slow. So you can savor this ass pounding.
I will have to refrain myself there is just something about fucking a sissy with a long, thick strapon that gets me so excited that I can hardly hold back. Usually I have a need to just push my thick dick right deep into that waiting ass. We are talking balls deep.
But since you went to all that effort of looking so pretty for me, I think we will just have to make this fucking last a bit longer.
Are you ready for a strapon phone sex fucking with me?
I know I am.
Just ask for Savannah