My name is Jennifer but you can call me Mommy. For I know you sweet sissy boy have been looking for a phone Mommy for far too long. Someone you can get all dressed up in front of and well masturbate for.
This phone mommy loves her sissy boy’s to masturbate for her.
I know it’s hard not to get all excited like that after hours of primping. Hours of snooping through Mommy’s closet. I even let you play in my good makeup. The stuff I would normally smack your bottom for but this is a special occasion.
For everyone is out. They have left us all alone. I am even letting you stay up later than you should. No little interruptions. Just you and me and this collection of oh-so-sexy things.
Where do we begin?
Picking out the outfit you will be masturbating in?
Or do we start by Mommy doing your makeup?
I know the possibilities are endless right now and your head must be swimming. Why don’t you just come sit on Mommy’s lap and let me comb your hair while we decide together? For you don’t have to make those decisions by yourself sweetheart. Mommy is here to help you.
Perhaps I will start with you watching me put my make-up on first. For it’s only right that I look just as pretty as my sissy boy.
Well sweetie Mommy Jennifer is here to have some fun with you and most importantly sissy boy let you masturbate for her.