Perhaps it will come as a surprise to a number of you that this sexy phone sex shemale opted to stay in for New Year’s and take phone sex calls. I know your probably going why am I not at the club and to be honest I had thought about going but I was having such a fun afternoon with you guys that I thought why have the fun end.
Yes rather shocking but there is nothing quite like having a man call up after he has indulged in a few party favors and tell you his secret desire to suck a cock even if its a phone sex shemale’s cock. It has me stroking me stroking most the afternoon. So course I had to call in and say I was opting to stay in. I was hoping to find the right man who could actually get me off. The one who would say he wasnt a secret cock sucker and had some experience all that he was missing was a wonderful thick, throbbing phone sex shemale’s cock in front of him.
Luckily for this phone sex shemale that person phoned me right after midnight. So I ended up finishing up 2012 having my tranny dick teased something fierce and started 2013 with one massive ball exploding orgasm.
I am really hoping what they say about how you spend the first day of the new year is true for it shall be a year filled with cock suckers and well intense mind blowing orgasms. Not a bad way to spend 2013 if you ask me.
Who wouldnt love to spend every day like that.
Actually the good news is you can. For this phone sex shemale is available most days for those taboo mind blowing calls. Absolutely no limits. Which if you ask me only adds to the intensity of our call.
Well I am off to grab the phone.