Lets face it most the time I go to the bar I am seeing guys that are there to buy girls drinks in hopes they are going to get into their pants. They know a sober girl isnt going to jump their bones. Course there are those few guys that venture to the bar not to get a girl drunk so they can slip into her pussy but for something else ~ Getting girls peeing their pants.
Ya dont act all shocked about it!
Sure if your into girls peeing their pants phone sex you have thought about it a time or two and if this is your first time hearing it then your probably thinking fuck why havent I done this. Drunk girls need to pee all the time. All you need to do is distract them from using the washroom and boom you can get those girls peeing their pants.
Well the other night I was at the bar and sure enough in the bathroom doing what a girl does and a few blonde drunk girls were chatting, actually it was more like warning anyone within a decent ear shot. About the guy who was at the bar buying any girl in tight jeans drinks. Most girls would walk by and be all ya ya another guy wanting to get a girl drunk and fuck her. Well as I was standing washing my hands I knew the moment they said buying only girls in jeans drinks what this guy was up too. Sure you can blame the extreme taboo phone sex calls I have taken but in someways it might go beyond that. For you piss fetish guys are all the same. You guys get so aroused looking a girl darkening her jeans with her warm hot golden nectar.
It was probably wrong of me to think as I walked out that bathroom, “fuck I had to wear a dress tonight!” Though he wasnt hard to spot wandering the bar moving from girl to girl and getting shot down pretty quick thanks to the drunken blonde warning system in the bathroom. Perhaps they were just jealous they were on his kinky perverted radar.
Left before I could see if he found anyone. Who knows maybe my next girls peeing their pants phone sex call will be him? Then I could ask him how he made out at the bar. Love to actually know what he finds so arousing about those piss soaked jeans.
Swtcourtney4fun Aim:Yim